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Corporate Agreement In Spanish

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A person in a company who, as part of entering into a contract with a consumer, negotiates mainly in Spanish, Chinese, Tagalogue, Vietnamese or Korean languages, must give the consumer a written translation of the contract offered in the language of negotiations.1 Translation must be a precise translation of each clause and condition of the contract or contract. This requirement of California law applies, whether the negotiations are oral or written. This section does not apply to contracts negotiated in one of the languages mentioned above, where the consumer has an interpreter.2 If a professional or company that is required to provide a foreign language translation does not do so, the consumer may terminate the contract or contract in which the right of termination applies.3 The consumer may terminate the contract even if it has been awarded to a financial institution; However, in this case, the consumer must ask the original trade or the original company to return the sums he paid. Once the consumer has received goods, the goods must be returned to the original trade or to the original transaction. Hycast AS, a subsidiary of Hydro wholly owned by Hydro, has signed a 9.7 million euro contract with Alu Iberica to supply smelter technologies to two aluminium plants in northern Spain. The agreement includes the design and supply of equipment for the moulding of extrusion lionces made from recycled aluminum. Help you find the best location for your business: We work with strategic consultants all over Spain to help you find the best location for your business. Prepared by: Richard A. Elbrecht, Attorney General, Marla L. Scharf, Staff Counsel, Legal Services Unit.

Last updated in May 2012 by Claire Yazigi, lawyer. Compliance Assistance and all other necessary legal requirements The rule is different for pre-printed car rental contracts made available to dealers by potential operators such as banks or leasing companies. The potential assignee must make available to the distributor, at the request of the distributor, a Spanish-language translation of the entire rental contract.5 The distributor then makes this translation available to the Spanish-speaking customer. Hycast technology will now be used in Alu Iberica`s aluminium plants in Aviles and A Corusa.