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Agreement Involving 2 Parties Crossword Clue

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Agreement involving 2 parties crossword clue: Understanding the context

Crosswords are an engaging and challenging way to pass the time. But, if you`re new to this popular puzzle, it can be a bit daunting at first. One of the most important things to keep in mind while solving crosswords is to understand the context of the puzzle. Once you have a clear notion of what the theme is, you can start focusing on the answers.

A clue that is often seen in many crosswords is “agreement involving 2 parties.” In particular, this is a clue that can be tricky and even annoying at times. But, with a bit of guidance, you can solve this clue and many other puzzles.

Agreement involving 2 parties – What does it mean?

To solve this crossword clue, it is important to understand the definition of the term “agreement involving 2 parties.” In simple terms, an agreement that involves 2 parties refers to a contract or a legal document that two parties have agreed upon.

For instance, two people may agree to enter into a business partnership, a rental agreement, or a joint venture. This type of agreement sets out the terms and conditions for both parties to follow. And it is important to note that an agreement involving 2 parties is legally binding and enforceable.

Solving the “agreement involving 2 parties” crossword clue

When you come across the “agreement involving 2 parties” crossword clue, keep in mind that it is a general clue. It can be applied to many different scenarios and can have various answers. Here are some possible answers that fit the clue:

– Contract

– Treaty

– Pact

– Accord

– Covenant

– Compact

One tip to keep in mind while solving crosswords is to look for other clues in the puzzle that can help to narrow down the answer. For example, if the puzzle provides a hint to the length of the word, you can rule out some of the above options.


Agreement involving 2 parties is a common crossword clue that can be solved by understanding the context. In this case, it refers to a legal document or a contract between two parties. By keeping this in mind, along with other clues in the puzzle, you can quickly solve this clue and many others.