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Native Title Agreements Victoria

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The second colony was the settlement of Dja Dja, which was executed by the parties at a ceremony in Bendigo on March 28, 2013. [Note 28] This agreement is the first comprehensive regime because it contains all possible agreements under the law (these agreements are subject to further review). In addition, four claims filed with the Bundesgerichtshof between 1998 and 2000 on the title are closed. [Note 29] At the time of publication, the comparison package was subject to a five-year review of the initial results required in accordance with Section 11 of the agreement. [Note 30] There are (currently) four PBCs in Victoria and one traditional Owner Group (TOGE) under the Victorian Traditional Owner Settlement Act 2010 (TOSA). Basically, a TOGE is a PBC. In addition, under the Victoria Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 (AHA), it is likely that prior to the completion of the national title count, a group of traditional owners will be designated to hold legal functions under the AHA as a Registered Aboriginal Party (RAP). As a RAP, a traditional ownership group will have a registered structure, generally included in the 2006 Catsi Act of Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander). A RAP may levy royalties for cultural heritage assessments. There are five other RSDs appointed in the state.

With PBCs, TOGEs and RAPs, which then contain ten groups of traditional owners in Victoria, all of which have sufficient resources to employ at least one general manager and often a number of other collaborators. But what is not one of the traditional ownership groups is the large amount of capital that can come from an “access to land agreement” for mining. The objective of a funding agreement is to provide financial support to an UPA to bring the RSA into force. [Note 52] Funding agreements are intended to provide a mechanism to support the continued sustainability of TOGs. The BGLCAC is the representative organization of the traditional owners who represent the claim, including the Wotjobaluk, Jaadwa, Jadawadjali, Wergaia and Yupagalk People (also known as the Wimmera groups). The transaction was related to the Federal Court of Justice`s recognition that the Wimmera groups hold the national title. The granting of Aboriginal title prevents the group of traditional owners from selling, transferring, transferring, debiting and leasing or leasing the land. [Note 57] It is done on the condition that the TOGE has agreed to enter into a contract with the State for a right to the occupation, use, control and management of the country. Similarly, the state is not in a position to sell, transfer, sell or process other parts of the land and may only grant a lease or licence in limited circumstances. [Note 58] These conditions, which prevent the transfer of rights to the country, must be recorded by the clerk as a reserve of the title. [Note 59] This judgment is a key point in Australia`s history.