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Sample Pastor Severance Agreement

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A severance agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of an employee`s departure from a company, including details about compensation, benefits, and other considerations. For pastors, a severance agreement can be an important tool for protecting their financial interests and ensuring a smooth transition from their current church.

If you`re a pastor who is considering a severance agreement, or you`re an employer who needs to draft one, it`s important to understand what should be included in the agreement. Here`s a sample pastor severance agreement to give you an idea of what to expect:

1. Termination Date: This section should specify the date on which the pastor`s employment will officially end.

2. Severance Payment: The agreement should outline the amount of compensation the pastor will receive upon termination, as well as the payment schedule.

3. COBRA Benefits: If the pastor is currently enrolled in the church`s health insurance plan, the severance agreement should specify how long the coverage will continue under COBRA regulations.

4. Retirement Benefits: If the pastor is eligible for any retirement benefits, such as a 403(b) plan, the agreement should outline the terms of those benefits, including any vesting requirements.

5. Non-Competition Clause: Many severance agreements include a non-compete clause, which prohibits the pastor from working for a competing church or organization for a certain period of time.

6. Non-Disparagement Clause: This section prohibits both the pastor and the church from making negative statements about each other in public or to third parties.

7. Confidentiality Clause: If the pastor has access to sensitive information about the church or its members, the agreement should include a confidentiality clause to protect that information.

8. Waiver and Release: This section outlines the pastor`s agreement to waive any legal claims against the church in exchange for the severance payment.

9. Governing Law: The agreement should specify which state`s laws will govern the agreement in case of a dispute.

10. Signatures: Finally, the agreement should be signed by both the pastor and a representative of the church.

Overall, a severance agreement can be a helpful tool for both pastors and churches when it comes to managing employment transitions. By including these key provisions in the agreement, both parties can ensure a smooth departure and a positive future.