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Team Working Agreement Session

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Team Working Agreement Session: What it is and How to Conduct One

A team working agreement session is an essential aspect of team building. It is a process where team members come together to create a set of ground rules that everyone should follow. These rules are created to encourage collaboration, foster mutual understanding, and promote a healthy work environment where every team member feels heard and valued.

The working agreement acts as a baseline that helps team members work together effectively. It outlines the expectations and responsibilities of all team members, highlights the goals of the team, and ensures that all members align with the values and principles of the organization.

Conducting a Team Working Agreement Session

Here are the steps you can follow to conduct a team working agreement session:

1. Create an Agenda

Creating an agenda helps ensure that you cover all aspects of the working agreement process. Include topics such as introduction, icebreaker, team goals, values, and responsibilities.

2. Icebreaker

A team working agreement session should start with an icebreaker exercise. It helps cultivate a relaxed atmosphere and allows team members to get to know each other better. The icebreaker should be simple and non-threatening, such as asking everyone to share one thing about themselves that no one else in the group knows.

3. Identify the Goals of the Team

Identifying the goals of the team is a crucial part of the working agreement process. It helps team members understand why they are working together and what they want to achieve. Encourage team members to discuss their individual goals and ensure that they align with the team`s goals.

4. Discuss Team Values and Principles

The team`s values and principles should be discussed in detail. It should reflect the culture of the organization and promote inclusiveness. Some common values include integrity, excellence, respect, and creativity. Encourage team members to share their opinions and ensure that everyone`s voice is heard.

5. Create a List of Responsibilities

Create a list of responsibilities that each team member should follow. This should include tasks that are assigned to specific individuals, accountability measures, and timelines for each task. Encourage team members to take ownership of their responsibilities and ensure that everyone is accountable.

6. Review and Finalize the Working Agreement

Once all topics have been discussed, review the working agreement and ensure that it reflects the team`s goals, values, and responsibilities. Once everyone is satisfied with the working agreement, have each team member sign it as a sign of commitment.


In summary, a team working agreement session is an effective way to ensure that all team members work together effectively and achieve their goals. It is a collaborative process that fosters mutual understanding, promotes inclusiveness, and creates a healthy work environment. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can conduct a successful team working agreement session and create a working agreement that works for everyone.